To ascertain if this might be a good fit for you, schedule a free 20m call.

You can also email me with any questions or curiosities:

Some of the specific personal challenges I specialize in are:

  • Feeling lost and unsure about your path and calling
  • Feeling paralyzed in a current work/family/relationship situation
  • Feeling unmotivated, unappreciated, or unheard
  • Feeling unfulfilled despite material success
  • Feeling unsatisfied despite having a stable romantic relationship
  • Feeling like your potential is being wasted despite your efforts
  • Feeling imprisoned by shame, guilt, or past trauma or thoughts

For counseling, I see individuals and couples between the ages of 20 and 40.


The best way to benefit from my approach is to sign up for a structured package.


Single Extended Session

  • A single 90m session (over 1.5x the length of a regular session) to quickly-yet-deeply assess the root of your challenges
  • Feel truly heard and understood, especially if you’ve traditionally felt underappreciated and/or misunderstood
  • Help understand the behavior of others better
  • Learn to embrace the daunting notion of personal responsibility and accountability with dignity and drive


(save $75)


1 month / 4 sessions

  • 1 session / week
  • Everything in the SAGE plus:
  • Values identification + exploration + development
  • Getting unstuck – meditations on motivation and accountability
  • Gain the philosophical wisdom necessary to get unstuck, and gain the courage to take tough decisions that earlier seemed overwhelming.


(save $100)

Hero’s Journey

3 months / 16 sessions

  • 2 sessions / week during the first month; 1 session / week for the remainder
  • This is my flagship program, designed to help you find and maintain greater direction, meaning, understanding, and courage
  • Everything in Pathfinder plus:
  • Work through deeper blocks
  • Learn how to free yourself from past ‘versions’ of yourself and lingering trauma
  • Practice excellence through habit and ritual– the right way to do the right thing
  • Transform adversity into invaluable drive and motivation
  • Learn to identify and persevere over what Aristotle dubbed the ‘small souled’ aspects of your psyche


(save $350)

Shared Horizons

2 months / 24 sessions

  • 3 sessions / week throughout the transformative journey
  • Each week, I will see both partners together + each individually
  • Couples come together for a number of reasons, and many of these reasons can be hard to draw from as a relationship evolves, responsibilities grow, and expectations shift
  • The core issue in relationships often comes down to poor communication about needs and desires, resulting in dissatisfaction, resentment, and bitterness—negative emotions that often push one or both partners into paralysis at one extreme and risk-taking on the other
  • But in order to communicate well, each person needs to have clarity on their personal value system and definition of flourishing
  • I help you unpack all of this, learn more about yourself, and learn a new way of deeper communication by combining radical honesty + empathy


(save $1,200)

New Beginnings – Pre-Marriage

1 month / 12 sessions

  • 3 sessions / week
  • Specifically designed for couples preparing to get married
  • Each week, I will see both partners together + each individually
  • Structured to pre-empt potential future problems stemming from a mismatch of values, expectations, needs, and desires
  • Learn to express yourself deeply and safely to each other, and lay the foundation for a lifetime of joy and adventure


(save $500)
I will reach out to you within 1-2 days of you signing up.


Would you like to take things session by session?

I offer a limited number of standalone sessions each month.

Individual Sessions  $200 / session (50m)

Couple’s Sessions  $250 / session (80m)

Or book an initial free-of-cost 20m session so we can ascertain if my approach is a good fit for your needs.

If affordability is a concern, get in touch to learn about my sliding scale for students and others.


If you are a refugee or asylum seeker fleeing violence or occupation, I will see you free-of-charge. Please contact me using the form below.


If you're struggling with a clash of value systems (e.g., cultural liberalism and Islam, or Western approaches to the family v. traditional Chinese family values, etc.), I can help. I have a lot of experience working with Muslim and Chinese immigrant populations.